SHC Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit service learning organization honoring the impactful legacy of Scott Sean Walski. The focus of SHC Foundation develops inspiring life skills that strengthen academic environments through early education programs that demonstrate future civic responsibility and promote service learning for young people from kindergarten to high school. Seeking to create a sustainable role in learning and the community, SHC Foundation embraces leadership through unique vision and individual values that promote a higher level of thinking and lifelong learning beyond the classroom.
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- About Us
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- Race Calendar
- Bullard’s Run-Jan 20
- Prediction Run-March 9
- Salmon Creek Run-April 6
- Roseburg to Coos Bay Relay-April 20
- Jennifer’s Catching Slough Race-June 8
- Firecracker Run-July 4
- Circle the Bay-August 10
- Sunset Bay Trail Runs-Aug. 24
- Run Whiskey Run-Oct. 12
- Turkey Trot-Thanksgiving Day
- Mac’s Run-Dec. 14
- Christmas Lights Run-December 20, 2023
- Scholarship
- Contact Us