Thursday, July 4th, 2024, Mingus Park, Coos Bay
10 AM, 1/2 mile kid’s run and 1.6 mile run/walk
Congratulations to all athletes!
Results are posted here.
10:00 – 1/2 mile kid’s run – Free!
10:20 (or whenever the kid’s run is over) 4K Grown-up run –Free for members, but please sign-up on-line to help make race morning less crazy! $10 for non-members. Become a member and race for free!
Register online here.
Members will not be charged at check-out. You can also sign up race day from 9-9:45. Avoid the line and come early to sign up!
Want to participate but racing not your thing? We could use your help. Sign up to Volunteer! Various jobs and times available.
Race Description
1/2-mile kid’s run and an approximately 3K for grown-ups. Kid’s run is 1.5 times around the lake. 3K is once around the lake followed by a HUGE hill in beautiful Mingus Park. You will then run on city streets, down another Mingus Park dirt trail, and finish on the paved path by the lake.
Yep, this race used to be 3 loops around the lake but we have discovered that grownups can’t count. To level the playing field, we’re changing the course so everyone runs the same distance.
A map of the course can be viewed here.
We have organized fireworks that evening for all participants!
Stay after the race for a festival in Mingus Park. Fun for the whole family!
2018 Photos (thanks to Tom Hutton)